My Entrepreneurship Blog is Now LIVE

I have always been an entrepreneur, most of my readers who have gone through my about page can attest to that. One of the major reasons why I haven’t kick start the blog since has been financially related but unfortunately, I have pulled off.

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The painful story of Chicky

​As it is the culture of most Nigerian homes to dine with chicken during xmas period, well, ours weren’t different. My dad got two but the other was just a little lad of a chicken as we nurse hope of killing it on Easter. We killed the other and believe me, the taste was divine cause i cooked it myself. I could still perceive the tempting aroma as i write and with every gulp, i savour it. Continue reading “The painful story of Chicky”

​5 Personality Traits that Signal You’re Prone to Addiction

1. Impulsive Behavior

Addicts are known to act on impulse without stopping to think about the consequences of their actions, even if those consequences impact other people. This may include reckless acts like  drunk driving or shoplifting merely for the thrill of it.

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Happy Christmas to all my wonderful readers

Happy Christmas to all howinspiratick readers

A beautiful birth; perfection is no flirt. The birth of excellence; a heavenly preference. 

The christening of a saviour; a purpose really pure. The hope of the world. The delivery of a Lord. The birth of a name; a name greater than fame. The prince of peace; peace that’ll never cease. 

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Death has taken from Brazil

Why were we born just to die? Why does tomorrow looks so bright now only for it to turn darky and blurry the next moment? Never in my life have i cried so much for a stranger. I just couldn’t even hold a drop of tears as i watch fans and families of these Brazilian players morn their own.

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​Don’t Forget To Serve Yourself Happiness

​Don't Forget To Serve Yourself Happiness

It was just like every other Sunday; but the end proved it was unique cause i got a deeper understand of an overlooked life reality. After the service benediction, the youths had to meet for a very crucial meeting and at the process, wines were given to be shared. I took the wine and began to pour on every waiting hand with a glass as i get consumed with gladness. I finshed sharing, everyone was beaming with smiles and indeed, my heart was satisfied for being part of their happiness. I went back to my seat only to discover that i have forgotten to serve myself a wine.

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Everything Happens For A Reason [A moral story]

Everything Happens For A Reason [A moral story] image

A story is told of a king whose hobby was haunting. A week would not pass and he did not go for some hunting expedition. He always went with Jon, a close friend with whom he grew up. The friend has a habit of looking at every situation that ever occurred in his life-positive or negative – and will remark, “This is good!”.

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